Thursday, June 25, 2009

New Beginnings

for every death there is new life. today pop's greatest legend died. today a new NBAbaby was born. his name is ShaBron O'James, or LeBraq for short.

as if today's events aren't enough for you, chew on this. Hot Shot is no more. Yes, you read that correctly. I'll repeat it just in case you don't believe it - HOT SHOT IS NO MORE. Only weeks after Hot Shot Koster first donned his personalized Mamba shirt, he goes and leaves the league. His excuse? That he's moving back to Long Island. To that, I say "big deal." Stallion drives the drive every monday. Lightning is practically on Long Island, yet he too arrives every Monday with a bright white smile and a boundless love for all living things.

After passing through all phases of trauma - denial, anger, etc. - I have finally come to terms with this new development. I understand if you are angry. I was angry, too. Cry if you must.

What does this mean for Mamba? Good question. I think it means we recruit a new player and start a new league (keeping all our old career stats, of course). Should the new player go through some sort of initiation? I think so. My suggestion is that we make the new player go "asses up" against the wall while we take turns hurling basketballs at him. That's just my two cents.

Dr. Sessions is out this Monday. I'm hoping to have a new league started by the Monday after.


I watched tonight's NBA draft. I was not drafted, nor was anyone else in the MAMBA. we remain an underground league of hidden talent.

1 comment:

MQS said...

Just found your site. I see you are playing in Jackson Heights. I'm not sure if this is a temporary or permanent arrangement, but if you are looking for more players from the local community, you might consider posting a message at

If it would be helpful, I'd be happy to post a link to your site from there as well.