Monday, January 11, 2010

Disgusting experience

I make every attempt to write my posts exclusively about basketball, but this experience is simply too disgusting to ignore.

First, the backstory:
About 2 months ago, just as the Indianapolis Colts reached 10-0 and were flirting with an undefeated season, this guy on my block starts walking around with a brand new Colts hat. I felt sick to my stomach for 2 reasons -

1. No new yorker should wear another city's team gear. It is an eye sore. It's like seeing a tree on Roosevelt just doesn't fit.

2. There is nothing worse than someone who rides the bandwagon. It was so clear this guy went out and bought the hat just because they were 10-0.

Now for the killer:
Here's the worst part about the whole thing. Sunday morning I'm at the candy store getting the newspaper, excited to read about the Jets playoff win. The guy is there - get ready for this - wearing his Colts hat with A JETS WOOL HAT PULLED OVER IT!!!!!!!!!! Just soak this in for a minute. Can you think of a more pathetic display of artificial fandom? I can't. Needless to say, i will never talk to this neighbor again for as long as I live.
