Sunday, March 21, 2010


58.3% - why is this number so important? Of all the records that have been made and later broken, only one has stood the test of time. In Mamba's first ever game, Stallion shot 14 for 24 and became king. Others have come close (Eagle - 50%, game 15 and Carlson 55%, game 4) but close is never enough. To be a winner you must reach the unreachable and, for 15 months, Stallion has done just that. Not bad for a debut.

For those of you with HBO, I invite you to watch Magic & Bird: A Courtship of Rivals. This 90 minute documentary tracks the careers of two superstar rivals. In addition to making the case that Larry Bird is one of the unhappiest men alive, it also shows killer early NBA footage and some sensational highlights. I feel especially amped up for tomorrow's game. You can watch it on HBO on demand.

It seems as though Motorbreath is big news lately, as he was recently written up in the NY Times. The author writes, "He is one of more distinctive-looking people in City Hall, thanks to a red-haired ponytail that makes him look like a Thomas Jefferson re-enactor." Thomas Jefferson. TJ. I love it.

I may or may not have mentioned this already, but in only a few games Weasel has broken new ground. He is the only player in the 5x5 club, meaning he got 5 or more steals, blocks, assists, rebounds, and points. Well done, old friend.


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