Wednesday, March 4, 2009

hot shot koster as richard simmons

how many times in the heat of play have you said to yourself - "i wonder what hot shot koster's face would look like on richard simmons body?"

behold this image of hot shot, nestled snug in the face of richard simmons, squirming seductively on an erotic bed of lettuce, beets and baby carrots. this visual gift comes courtesy of photoshop and its limitless possibilities.

some might argue - that's messed up, neal. no one should ever have to see this.

to those i say, "you're is messed up. but take this as a warning. this is what happens when the shot that was once hot is no longer hot. once the shot is hot no more, your face gets implanted on richard simmons for all the world to see."

in other news, patrick is visiting the jackson heights site tomorrow and close to finalizing march and april dates.

check back in a few for a stat i've forgotten to post: single game leaders.


1 comment:

late workley said...

I just threw up a little in my mouth. There is a lot wrong with that and it will haunt my dreams forever.